ENVI C3702 - Organic Food and the Environment

Module Title:Organic Food and the Environment
Language of Instruction:English
Credits: 5
NFQ Level:8
Module Delivered In 2 programme(s)
Teaching & Learning Strategies: This module will be delivered using a learner-centred approach with a strong emphasis on the sustainability of current practices in organic food production. A variety of teaching and learning strategies will be used such as lectures, guest lecturers, group workshop, case-studies, group discussions and group activities.
Module Aim: The aim of the module is to develop learners critical thinking and understanding of the complex interrelations between food production in organic systems and: -The environment -Social, and political stimulus -Human health and nutrition -Food security and -Climate change
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner should be able to:
LO1 Comprehend the advantages and limitations of organic agriculture as a food production system, with regard to the effect on agri-ecosystem services
LO2 Critique the interrelations between agriculture, food and climate change
LO3 Understand the societal expectations of organic food production
Pre-requisite learning
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is recommended before enrolment in this module.

No recommendations listed
Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed.
No requirements listed

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content
Organic Production Systems
Historical Background, Principles of Organic Agriculture, Evolution of Food Production Systems, The Sociology of Agriculture and Food, Food Safety and Security, Food and Agriculture Policy, Adoption of Organic Agriculture, Issues and Challenges, Local and Global Food Systems, Nutrition and Health Effects of Organic Foods, etc
The Impact of Organic Food Production
Production within Planetary Limits, Food Quality and Nutrient Density, Product (Carbon) Life Cycle and Global Trade, Environmental Impact of Food and Food Processing, Introduction to Food Supply Chains (FSC), Production Quantities and Food Security, Sustainable Consumption, Commodity and Product Premiums, Cost of Production, etc
Environmental Impact
Land Use Efficiency, Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Soil – Air – Water Quality, Biodiversity, Carbon Sinks, Pesticides, Organic Fertilisers, Ecological Services, Climate Change etc.
Assessment Breakdown%
Continuous Assessment40.00%
Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Examination In class assessment examining the students understanding of Learning Outcomes. 1,2,3 40.00 n/a
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Project Research report on an aspect relating to the sustainability of organic food production systems and factors that can improve the sustainability. 1,2,3 60.00 n/a
No Practical
No End of Module Formal Examination
Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Examination In class assessment examining the students understanding of Learning Outcomes. 1,2,3 40.00 n/a
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Project Research report on an aspect relating to the sustainability of organic food production systems and factors that can improve the sustainability. 1,2,3 60.00 n/a
No Practical
No End of Module Formal Examination

SETU Carlow Campus reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture 12 Weeks per Stage 2.00
Lecturer-Supervised Learning (Contact) 12 Weeks per Stage 1.00
Independent Learning 12 Weeks per Stage 3.00
Total Hours 72.00
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture 12 Weeks per Stage 2.00
Lecturer Supervised Learning 12 Weeks per Stage 1.00
Independent Learning Time 12 Weeks per Stage 3.00
Total Hours 72.00

Module Delivered In

Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CW_SWOAG_B Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Organic Agriculture 5 Mandatory
CW_SWOAG_D Bachelor of Science in Organic Agriculture 5 Mandatory