GERM H2303 - German II

Module Title:German II
Credits: 10
NFQ Level:8
Module Delivered In 2 programme(s)
Teaching & Learning Strategies: Lectures - communication of knowledge and ideas from the lecturer to the student. Problem Solving Exercises - student will work as part of a team and will work together to complete language exercises. Class Discussion/Debate - Students will be encouraged to actively participate in oral language sessions which will develop their communication skills in the language. E-Learning - It is envisaged that the module will be supported with on-line learning materials. Self-Direct Independent Learning - the emphasis on independent learning will develop strong and autonomous work and learning practices.
Module Aim: The aim of this module is to build on the language knowledge gained in the previous modules. The module will also help the student to develop an understanding of the main ideas in simple texts both in written and oral form. The purpose of the module is to assist the student in becoming a more independent user of the language.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner should be able to:
LO1 Give more detailed information about themselves and others in present and past tenses and maintaining a longer conversation in the language.
LO2 Express feelings, opinions and sentiments and understand basic business/commercial vocabulary.
LO3 Comprehend the main points of a conversation or short spoken text and conduct certain everyday commercial transactions through the language
LO4 Compose, accept and refuse invitations and make, change and cancel an appointment.
LO5 Read a timetable, make enquiries about travel and buy a ticket.
LO6 Further build on the grammar skills acquired in the previous modules and have an understanding of the German Dative case
LO7 Know the vocabulary necessary to discuss general everyday areas of interest such as German identity, work ethics.
LO8 Operate the German ‘Perfekt’ tense and understand the structure of the simple past and future tense.
Pre-requisite learning
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is recommended before enrolment in this module.

No recommendations listed
Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed.
No requirements listed

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content
General Language Skills
• Writing a physical description of a person • Writing and answering an invitation. • Drafting a simple formal letter requesting information. • Writing a simple note to re-arrange/cancel an appointment. • Reading and understanding a timetable. • Making written travel arrangements; writing about travel plans. • Taking simple phone messages and recording information • Reading basic business correspondence. • Writing a paragraph to describe a product. • Reading a simple weather forecast and understanding it • Translating and completing basic commercial texts.
Oral & Aural
• Describing someone’s physical appearance. • Asking for and giving an appointment; explaining a timetable. • Expressing opinion, feelings and certitude. • Issuing an invitation and making a suggestion. • Making travel arrangements and buying travel tickets. • Making an appointment; cancelling an arrangement. • Excusing oneself; providing excuses/motivations for refusal. • Making a telephone call; leaving and taking a message. • Weather: ask and talk about the weather. • Describing a product in shape/form. • Making a purchase in a shop. • Business/commercial transactions at the bank/post office. • Giving directives: advising; forbidding • Discussing future plans (holidays and careers). • Phonetics: pronunciation and intonation.
Grammar and Syntax
• Prepositions & Cases (Deepening of Accusative; introduction of Dative) • Question forms • Word order (Verb: second idea, sentence coordinates) • Time expressions • Adjectives & their case endings throughout all the cases • Prepositions & Cases (Deepening of Accusative & Dative; introduction of Genitive case) • Negation (Structured form of negation; ‘nicht & kein’ and their use throughout the cases) • Modal Verbs • Word order (Verb second idea, sentence coordinates, TIME, MANNER, PLACE concepts in sentences) • Tenses: ‘Perfekt’ tense. Elaborating on simple past tense. Expressing future actions in present and in future tenses.
• Customs and festivals. • Brief history of Germany. • German working life; sectors of activity.
Assessment Breakdown%
Continuous Assessment50.00%
End of Module Formal Examination50.00%
Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Case Studies Series of written in-class examinations throughout the term. 1,2,3,4,5 30.00 n/a
Other Oral and aural 1,2,3,5 20.00 n/a
No Project
No Practical
End of Module Formal Examination
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Formal Exam End-of-Semester Final Examination 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 50.00 End-of-Semester

SETU Carlow Campus reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture Every Week 3.00
Independent Learning Time Every Week 4.00
Total Hours 7.00
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture Every Week 1.50
Independent Learning Time Every Week 5.50
Total Hours 7.00

Module Delivered In

Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CW_BBOPT_D Bachelor of Business with Options in Management. International Business, Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management 2 Elective
CW_BRLMB_B Bachelor of Business(Honours) in Management 2 Elective