Honours Bachelor Degree
Mode of Delivery: Full Time
No. of Semesters : 8
NFQ Level: 8
Programme Credits: 240
Language of Instruction: English
Department: Science and Health

Semester Schedules

Stage 1 / Semester 1

Elective Regulation
1. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in both the practical/CA and Final Examination in the following modules: Fundamental Biology, Chemistry 1, Physics 1. 2. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in both the practical and CA in the following modules: Quantitative Methods 1
Module Code Module Title
ZBIO C1101 Fundamental Biology
ZCHE C1101 Chemistry 1
ZLAB C1101 Laboratory Science
ZPHY C1101 Physics 1
ZMTS C1101 Quantitative Methods 1

Stage 1 / Semester 2

Elective Regulation
1. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in both the practical/CA and Final Examination in the following modules: Chemistry 2, Quantitative Methods 2, Animal and Human Biology. 2. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in both the practical and CA in the following modules: Physics 2 3. Current concepts in Science is an elective. Brewing and Distilling students will do a comparable module (Introduction to Brewing Studies) and Science Students will do Science module(Introduction to BioScience)
Module Code Module Title
ZBIO C1102 Animal and Human Biology
ZCHE C1102 Chemistry 2
ZPHY C1102 Physics 2
ZMTS C1102 Quantitative Methods 2
ZSCI C1101 Current Concepts in Brewing and Distilling Science

Stage 2 / Semester 1

Elective Regulation
1. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in both the practical/CA and Final Examination in the following modules: Biochemistry- Biomolecules, Analytical Techniques for Brewing and Distilling, Mechanical and Electrical Technology in Brewing and Distilling. 2. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in both the practical and CA in the following modules: Quantitative Methods and Quality Control, Fundamentals of Microbiology 1.
Module Code Module Title
ZCHE C2101 Biochemistry Biomolecules
ZBIO C2101 Fundamentals of Microbiology 1
ZQUA C2101 Quantitative Methods and Quality Control 1
ZANA C2103 Analytical Techiques for Brewing and Distilling
ZBRE C2101 Mechanical and Electrical Technology in Brewing and Distilling

Stage 2 / Semester 2

Elective Regulation
1. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in both the practical/CA and Final Examination in the following modules: Fundamentals of Microbiology 2, Biochemistry Metabolism, Analytical Chromatographic Techniques for Brewing and Distilling 2. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in both the practical and CA in the following modules: Quantitative Methods and Quality Control 2. 3. Students must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the CA and project and practical in the following modules: Malt, Water, Hops and Yeast - Brewing and Distilling Raw Materials. 4. Students may apply to EXIT from the programme with a Higher Certificate in Science in Brewing Science (Embedded Exit Award), provided they have achieved the required learning outcomes for the level 6 award and have accumulated 120 credits. IT Carlow academic regulations apply.
Module Code Module Title
ZCHE C2102 Biochemistry Metabolism
ZBIO C2103 Fundamentals of Microbiology 2
ZQUA C2102 Quantitative Methods and Quality Control 2
ZBRE C2102 Malt, Water, Hops and Yeast – Brewing and Distilling Raw Materials
ZANA C2104 Analytical Chromatographic Techniques for Brewing and Distilling

Stage 3 / Semester 1

Elective Regulation
1. Learners must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the practical of the following modules: Research Methods for Brewing and Distilling 2. Learners must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the CA/Practical and Final Examination of the following modules: The Brewing Process 3. Learners must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the CA and Final Examination of the following modules: Environmental Management.
Module Code Module Title
ZRCH C3103 Research Methods for Brewing and Distilling
BREW H3R02 The Brewing Process
ZENV C3102 Environmental Management
ZBRE C3102 Brewery and Distillery Engineering

Stage 3 / Semester 2

Elective Regulation
Students may apply to EXIT from the programme with a Bachelor of Science in Brewing Science (Embedded Exit Award), provided they have achieved the required learning outcomes for the level 7 award and have accumulated 180 credits. IT Carlow academic regulations apply.
Module Code Module Title
ZWKP C3102 Work Placement Brewing and Distilling

Stage 4 / Semester 1

Elective Regulation
1. Students are required to achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the CA/practical and Final Examination in the following modules: Distillation and Distilled Spirits Production 2. Students are required to achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the CA/Project and Final Examination in the following modules: Quality Management for Brewers and Distillers
Module Code Module Title
BREW H4R02 Distillation and Distilled Spirits Production
BUSS H4101 Management in the Brewing and Distilling Industry
ZQUA H4101 Quality Management for Brewers and Distillers
ZLAW H4101 Law for Brewing and Distilling 1

Stage 4 / Semester 2

Elective Regulation
1. Research Project in Brewing and Distilling is delivered year-long with the credits awarded at the end of Semester 8 2. Learners must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the CA and Final Examination in the following modules: Beverage Packaging 3. Learners must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the Practical/CA and Final Examination in the following modules: Food Fermentation 4. Learners must achieve a minimum grade (35%) in the Practical and CA of the following modules: Post-distillation Downstream Processing
Module Code Module Title
MANU Beverage Packaging
ZBRE H4103 Food Fermentation
BREW H4R01 Post-distillation Downstream Processing
ZBUS H4101 Marketing and New Product Innovation
ZLAW H4101 Law for Brewing and Distilling 2
ZPRO H4103 Research Project in Brewing and Distilling