Module Title:Material Science
Language of Instruction:English
Credits: 5
NFQ Level:8
Module Delivered In 1 programme(s)
Teaching & Learning Strategies: Lectures Laboratory Practice & reports Project Private study
Module Aim: The aims of this module are: (1) to prepare students for participation in the quality control of materials used in the construction of civil engineering projects; (2) to give students a basis for further study of materials.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner should be able to:
LO1 describe & examine the: - (a) source and origin of various engineering materials including aggregates, timber, metals and cement; (b) physical properties associated with aggregates, cement, timber, metals and fresh and hardened concrete.
LO2 demonstrate an awareness of: - (a) manufacturing technologies associated with aggregates, cement, concrete timber and metals; (b) various engineering products available including admixtures etc.
LO3 demonstrate a knowledge of quality assurance of materials.
LO4 demonstrate the skills developed in: - (a) taking and preparation of laboratory samples; (b) laboratory analysis for engineering properties of materials in accordance with codes of practice including the use of specifically designed engineering testing apparatus; (c) analysing laboratory data in accordance with codes of practice and checking conformity of laboratory results with specifications; (d) understanding the significance of accurate sampling and testing and its relevance to the overall performance of materials in construction; (e) the preparation of laboratory reports.
LO5 Illustrate the importance of Health and Safety in a laboratory environment.
Pre-requisite learning
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is recommended before enrolment in this module.

No recommendations listed
Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed.
No requirements listed

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content
(1) Aggregates (14 hours lectures, 6 hours practicals)
(a) Origin and geological classification of rock. (b) Sources of aggregates. (c) Sampling of aggregates. (i) Sampling (ii) Riffling (iii) Quartering (d) Physical properties and classification of aggregates. (i) Particle size analysis (ii) Fines Content (iii) Flakiness Index Test (iv) Moisture Content (e) Typical Laboratory Experiments Aggregates (i) Sampling (ii) Quartering & Riffling (iii) Particle size analysis (iv) Fines Content Test (v) Flakiness Index Test (vi) Moisture Content
(2) Cement (4 hours lectures)
(a) Composition, types and manufacturing process (b) Setting times (c) Soundness (d) Strength
(3) Introduction To Concrete (8 hours lectures, 4 hours practicals)
(a) Constituents and mix design (b) Basic Properties of fresh concrete (c) Basic Properties of hardened concrete (d) Typical Laboratory Experiments Concrete (i) Workability – Slump Test (ii) Making Cubes (iii) Curing Cubes (iv) Demoulding Cubes (v) Measuring Cubes (vi) Crushing Cubes
(4) Timber (9 hours lectures, 3 hours practicals)
(a) Growth and structure of trees (b) Classification of wood (c) Moisture content and seasoning (d) Natural and handling defects (e) Insect and fungal attack (f) Preservation (g) Stress grading (h) Timber products (i) Typical Laboratory Experiments Timber (i) Physical identification and examination of natural wood samples (ii) Physical identification and examination of manufactured board samples (iii) Microscopic examination of hardwood and softwood (slides) structure that is radial, tangential and longitudinal sawn cuts (iv) Moisture content measurement by both Oven and Meter testing (v) Physical examination of defects and deterioration in timber samples (vi) Physical examination and measurement of Knot / Area ratio on timber samples (vii) Physical examination of both Pressure and Brush applied preservative treatments to timber samples
(5) Metals (10 hours lectures, 2 hours practicals)
(a) Ferrous/non–ferrous (b) Processes, treatments (c) Properties and use (d) Typical Laboratory Experiments (i) Physical identification and examination of various metal samples (ii) Microscopic examination of structure of various metal samples (iii) Metals material testing for Stress and Strain and Hardness tests
Assessment Breakdown%
End of Module Formal Examination60.00%
No Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Project n/a 1,2,3,4,5 40.00 n/a
No Practical
End of Module Formal Examination
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Formal Exam Final Examination 1,2,3,4 60.00 End-of-Semester

SETU Carlow Campus reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture 30 Weeks per Stage 1.50
Laboratory 30 Weeks per Stage 0.50
Estimated Learner Hours 30 Weeks per Stage 2.00
Total Hours 120.00

Module Delivered In

Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CW_CMHCE_B Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering - Ab Initio 1 Mandatory