Module Title:Business Applications 3
Language of Instruction:English
Credits: 5
NFQ Level:8
Module Delivered In 13 programme(s)
Teaching & Learning Strategies: Lab sessions - communication of knowledge by demonstration from the lecturer to the student. E-Learning - the module will be supported with online learning materials. Self-Directed Independent Learning - the emphasis on independent learning will develop strong and autonomous work and learning practices.
Module Aim: The aim of the subject is to build on the skills developed in Business Applications I and to provide the students with the essential information technology skills required for entering the workplace or for continued studies.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner should be able to:
LO1 Demonstrate the ability to model spreadsheet for business applications.
LO2 Demonstrate the ability to use the advanced functions of Excel.
LO3 Apply What-if analysis tools appropriately.
Pre-requisite learning
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is recommended before enrolment in this module.

No recommendations listed
Incompatible Modules
These are modules which have learning outcomes that are too similar to the learning outcomes of this module.
No incompatible modules listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed
This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed.
Business Applications I

Module Content & Assessment

Indicative Content
Advanced Spreadsheets (100%).
Develop advanced excel skills including absolute and relative referencing; advanced functions IF, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, PMT, ROUND, RAND; importing data from other sources; finding and correcting errors in formulae; what-if analysis (Goal Seek; Scenarios and data tables); using Solver to find optimal solutions; Pivot tables & Pivot charts; Data analytics, Presentation behaviour; Dashboards; Creating and editing charts; advanced formatting; protecting cells and sheets.
Assessment Breakdown%
Continuous Assessment100.00%
Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Assessment Description Outcome addressed % of total Assessment Date
Practical/Skills Evaluation Practical assessments 1,2,3 100.00 n/a
No Project
No Practical
No End of Module Formal Examination

SETU Carlow Campus reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Laboratory Every Week 3.00
Independent Learning Every Week 6.00
Total Hours 9.00
Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload
Lecture Every Week 1.50
Independent Learning Time Every Week 7.50
Total Hours 9.00

Module Delivered In

Programme Code Programme Semester Delivery
CW_BBACF_B Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Accounting and Finance 3 Mandatory
CW_BBHRM_B Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Human Resource Management 3 Mandatory
CW_BBHRM_B Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Human Resource Management 4 Elective
CW_HHIBU_B Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Business 3 Mandatory
CW_BBBBM_B Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Management 3 Mandatory
CW_BBSCM_B Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Supply Chain Management 3 Mandatory
CW_BBBUS_D Bachelor of Business in Business 3 Mandatory
CW_BBHRM_D Bachelor of Business in Human Resource Management 3 Mandatory
CW_BBHRM_D Bachelor of Business in Human Resource Management 4 Elective
CW_BBINB_D Bachelor of Business in International Business incorporating Double Degree 3 Mandatory
CW_BPMKT_D Bachelor of Business in Marketing 3 Mandatory
CW_BBSCM_D Bachelor of Business in Supply Chain Management 3 Mandatory
CW_BBBUS_C Higher Certificate in Business 3 Mandatory